"Raising Financially Fit Kids" and "A Chair for My Mother"
Two great books on kids and money
Black Mamas and Babies Matter
Weathering--what it means and how it places black mothers and children at risk.
Childcare Workers Walk Out for Higher Wages
How can the average working family show childcare providers their true worth?
Spring Scavenger Hunt
Make the most of the few hours after work and school...go on a scavenger hunt with your kids.
Send a Teacher a Love Letter
Love comes in many forms. This week show the love for your favorite teacher or childcare provider.
Choose Your Problems
Happiness comes not from avoiding problems but from choosing the problems you want to have.
Act Out a Favorite Book
Acting out a favorite book is a fun way to engage kids in both reading and movement.
Don't Try So Hard
Maybe being present in the moment isn't always about crafting the moment to make it "perfect," but rather accepting the moments as they are
A Sketchbook
Get your kids' artwork off your counters and into a bound volume...with zero effort, guaranteed.
Do Nothing
A veteran early educator and childcare center director's advice to young families? If you want to be happier, do less.